Thursday, November 25, 2010

Belinda Dolly Pattern

This dolly is inspired by my daughter's love of the Lalaloopsy dolly. I hope you enjoy her.
Belinda Dolly Pattern

Working in rounds make 2
Chain 5
2sc in second ch from hook, sc 2, 3sc in last chain. Working in the other side of foundation chain, sc 3. Do not join. (10)
Sc, 2sc in next st, sc 2, 2sc in next st, sc 2, 2sc in next st, sc, 2sc in last st. (14)
Sc, 2sc in next st, sc 4, 2sc in next st, sc, 2sc in next st, sc 4, 2sc in last st. (18)
Sc around (18)
Sc around (18)
Sc3tog, sc, sc3tog, sc around (14)
Sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc 4, sc2tog, sc 4 (12)
Sc around for 14 rows. Stuff foot, lightly stuff leg

Working in rounds make 2.
Magic ring sc 6
2sc in each st around (12)
Sc around (12)
Sc around (12)
Sc around (12)
Bobble (yo, ins hook, yo, pull through, yo, ins hook, yo pull through, yo, ins hook, yo pull through, yo pull through all 4 loops on hook), sc around (12)
Dec, sc 4, dec, sc around (10)
Sc around for 14 rows (10) stuff hand, lightly stuff arm

Work in rounds
Magic ring sc 6
2sc in each st around (12)
*Sc 2sc* around (18)
*Sc 2, 2sc* around (24)
*sc 3, 2sc* around (30)
Flatten leg sc through both layers of leg and next st for 6 st repeat for 2nd leg continue sc around. (30)
Sc around (30)
Sc around (30)
Sc around (30)
*sc 3 dec* around (24)
Sc around (24)
Sc around (24)
Sc around (24)
*sc 2 dec* around (18)
Sc around (18)
Sc around (18)
Sc 15 flatten arm thumb forward sc 5 through all thicknesses (as leg), sc 4, flatten arm thumb forward sc 5 through all thicknesses (as leg) sc around. stuff
*sc dec* around (12)
Dec around (6)

Work in rounds
Magic ring sc 6(6)
2sc around (12)
*sc 2sc* around (18)
*Sc 2, 2sc* around (24)
*Sc 3, 2sc* around (30)
*Sc 4, 2sc* around (36)
*Sc 5, 2sc* around (42)
Sc around (42)
*Sc 6, 2sc* around (48)
*Sc 7, 2sc* around (54)
Sc around for 2 rows (54)
Sc 3 bobble stitch, sc around (54)
Sc around for 6 more rows (54)
*Sc 7, dec* around (48)
*Sc 6, dec* around (42)
*Sc 5, dec* around (36)
*Sc 4, dec* around (30)
*Sc 3, dec* around (24)
*Sc 2, dec* around (18) stuff
*Sc, dec* around (12)
Dec around (6)

Stitch head to body using matching color.

I use a hard cover book to wrap hair yarn around then cut away from book. This will give you pieces of a consistent length. Attach hair to head using a crochet hook to pull a loop through stitches then pulling ends through the loop pull tight.