Thursday, November 25, 2010

Belinda Dolly Pattern

This dolly is inspired by my daughter's love of the Lalaloopsy dolly. I hope you enjoy her.
Belinda Dolly Pattern

Working in rounds make 2
Chain 5
2sc in second ch from hook, sc 2, 3sc in last chain. Working in the other side of foundation chain, sc 3. Do not join. (10)
Sc, 2sc in next st, sc 2, 2sc in next st, sc 2, 2sc in next st, sc, 2sc in last st. (14)
Sc, 2sc in next st, sc 4, 2sc in next st, sc, 2sc in next st, sc 4, 2sc in last st. (18)
Sc around (18)
Sc around (18)
Sc3tog, sc, sc3tog, sc around (14)
Sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc 4, sc2tog, sc 4 (12)
Sc around for 14 rows. Stuff foot, lightly stuff leg

Working in rounds make 2.
Magic ring sc 6
2sc in each st around (12)
Sc around (12)
Sc around (12)
Sc around (12)
Bobble (yo, ins hook, yo, pull through, yo, ins hook, yo pull through, yo, ins hook, yo pull through, yo pull through all 4 loops on hook), sc around (12)
Dec, sc 4, dec, sc around (10)
Sc around for 14 rows (10) stuff hand, lightly stuff arm

Work in rounds
Magic ring sc 6
2sc in each st around (12)
*Sc 2sc* around (18)
*Sc 2, 2sc* around (24)
*sc 3, 2sc* around (30)
Flatten leg sc through both layers of leg and next st for 6 st repeat for 2nd leg continue sc around. (30)
Sc around (30)
Sc around (30)
Sc around (30)
*sc 3 dec* around (24)
Sc around (24)
Sc around (24)
Sc around (24)
*sc 2 dec* around (18)
Sc around (18)
Sc around (18)
Sc 15 flatten arm thumb forward sc 5 through all thicknesses (as leg), sc 4, flatten arm thumb forward sc 5 through all thicknesses (as leg) sc around. stuff
*sc dec* around (12)
Dec around (6)

Work in rounds
Magic ring sc 6(6)
2sc around (12)
*sc 2sc* around (18)
*Sc 2, 2sc* around (24)
*Sc 3, 2sc* around (30)
*Sc 4, 2sc* around (36)
*Sc 5, 2sc* around (42)
Sc around (42)
*Sc 6, 2sc* around (48)
*Sc 7, 2sc* around (54)
Sc around for 2 rows (54)
Sc 3 bobble stitch, sc around (54)
Sc around for 6 more rows (54)
*Sc 7, dec* around (48)
*Sc 6, dec* around (42)
*Sc 5, dec* around (36)
*Sc 4, dec* around (30)
*Sc 3, dec* around (24)
*Sc 2, dec* around (18) stuff
*Sc, dec* around (12)
Dec around (6)

Stitch head to body using matching color.

I use a hard cover book to wrap hair yarn around then cut away from book. This will give you pieces of a consistent length. Attach hair to head using a crochet hook to pull a loop through stitches then pulling ends through the loop pull tight.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Etsy OWLs Spring Cleaning Sale

We're having a Spring Cleaning Sale beginning Saturday March 20, running through Saturday March 28!

Check out the Etsy OWLs blog for more details of what will be on sale in these great shops.
Now listen closely, here's a secret, the team will be having a sneak peek on Friday night March 19 beginning at 6PM Eastern time running throughout the evening showing you all the great things on sale. Just go to the Etsy Community Chat boards and look for the room called SALE Sneak Peek.
Come, meet people on the team and see what great deals will be offered. (Hint - you might get some additional discounts just for being at the sneak peek chat.)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What Do You Think?

I recently had a shop critique and the recommendation was to use natural lightling. I took some test shots of my latest yarns with this type of lighting. What do you think? Comments appreciated.

If you want to see more photos to compare check out my shop at .

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Interview with Jamie from Suenosdejmi

Here's the next amazing fiber artist in my regular feature. She is another one of my fellow Etsy Off the Wall Ladies so you never know what you'll hear from her next.

Meet Jamie of SuenosdeJmi

Where are you from and where are you now?

I'm actually from where I am now, small town east Tennessee. I was born in the same city I'm living in now, but I grew up about 2 hours north of here near the VA border.

How did you get started working with yarn?

There's always been someone in my life who works with yarn. My mom and my paternal grandmother both crocheted when I was little, so I've known how to crochet for as long as I can remember. I crocheted randomly through my childhood and teenage years, and then picked it back up again about 4 years ago. I was in college at the time, and two of my weekly classes were at night, so I started making scarves in class. And before I knew it I was knee deep in yarn and scarves, and I found my way onto Etsy from there.

What inspires you? What inspires your work?

I'm inspired and uplifted by a lot of things. Sunsets, a gorgeous cloud-filled sky, wind, rain,, poetry, those life insurance commercials where there's a chain of people helping each other. When it comes to crafting, color inspires me more than anything. I love to get the brightest colors I can find, and then mix them together to see what happens. I really enjoy mixing colors that others wouldn't mix, and it's rare that I'm displeased with the results. I often find myself trying to capture color patterns I see in other places, like a fall centerpiece or a colorful set of summer plates.

What pieces in your shop are you most proud of and why?

Lately I'm really proud of my knitting. I only learned in August after several unsuccessful attempts over the last few years, and I've had a blast exploring this new craft. I recently used colorwork to put text in a pair of gloves, which was really neat! I only have a few knitted items right now, but there are several more coming.

What handmade items do you admire or want to try making?

I really lust over yarn that's handspun or handdyed. Spining is still quite a scary concept to me, but I have plans to experiment with my first overdyes in the next few weeks. Those yarns will find their way to my shop as something soft and rainbow colored, and I'm really excited about that. Eventually, I would like to have a small line of handdyed yarns for sale, but I'll have to get tired of keeping it all first, and that might take a while!

I also really admire people who are skilled seamstresses, because I'm definitely not one, and I love some of the gorgeous sewn things I find on Etsy!

Rainbow Wool Fingerless Gloves

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Here's the next amazing fiber artist in my regular feature. She is one of my fellow Etsy Off the Wall Ladies so you never know what she'll come up with next.

Meet Gini from happyKATT

Chicago Triangle scarf/neck warmer

Where are you from and where are you now?

I'm originally from Iowa and I still have a good deal of family there but my immediate family moved right after I was born. I still like to say I'm from Iowa though. Somehow it seems more interesting than saying I'm from here. "Here" happens to be the great city of Chicago, where I have been for the last 20 years, right down the street from Wrigley field, which is both good and bad!

How did you get started working with fiber/yarn/fabric?

Well, I started knitting when I was five. I always say my mom taught me to knit to get me out of her hair! She denies it. I've been knitting off and on ever since but it wasn't until about ten years ago when I walked into a local yarn shop that I became addicted. Until then, believe it or not, I didn't know really nice yarn shops existed. I had never worked with alpaca, silk, mohair or anything other than cotton or wool/acrylic blends. Once I discovered really lovely yarns I just could never get enough.

As for fabric, that was a totally different story. My mom and my sister were both amazing seamstresses but I never had the patience for it. I didn't understand the whole concept of sizing patterns to make them fit but, when I started knitting cardigans like a mad woman, I began to get really frustrated that I couldn't find the right clothes to go with them so I started looking at patterns and eventually became a much better seamstress. It wasn't until I read an article on Amy Butler, in a knitting magazine, that I really fell in love with the fabrics. Now it's almost always about the fabric for me-the color, the drape, the sheen.

What inspires you? What inspires your work?

Inspiration is a difficult thing to define but I think I'm always inspired by color. Color brings so much life to a person's face. I can honestly say there isn't a color I don't like. I don't like solid black but I'm not sure that counts as a color.Style wise I'm inspired by old vintage things. I love anything old! (Yes, Grandpa, that includes you!) I love the swingy, feminine styles of bygone years and I think we're missing that in our society sometimes. You know, now it seems like women's wear is either completely functional or completely sexy and that leaves a huge void. I think there's something really awesome, sweet and even subtly sexy about the idea that my grandmother did the laundry and grocery shopping in a dress!

What pieces in your shop are you most proud of and why?

As corny as it sounds I'm actually really proud of everything in my shop! I'm a Virgo which means two things 1) I'm highly self critical and 2) I'm a perfectionist about my work. The sewn items are probably my favorites right now, just because it's been a bigger challenge for me. I like a challenge (that Virgo thing again) and I like being able to expand my range of creativity. It took me twenty years to learn to crochet and finally one day I just sat down with a book and said "I will learn this, I cannot be beaten by crochet!" That's how it was with sewing too. I just couldn't stand not being able to do it right.

What handmade items do you admire or want to try making?

I really admire jewelry-all sorts of jewelry. I don't understand the process there and I find it fascinating that people can pick out tiny little beads and bobs and vintage bits and mix it all together and come up with something really beautiful and unique. I love that-but, no, I don't think I would want to try it myself, I'm obsessed enough as it is and there isn't room in my house for one more stash!

retro early 60's full skirt-blue stained glass print

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February OWLS team Challenge Vote

So this is my official get out the vote blog post. The Etsy OWLS team is having a February Challenge with the theme Love Gone Wrong. Why? Because we're Off the Wall Ladies!

Seven members of the team have posted items in our shops with the monthly theme. Our team blog has photos and links to each entry along with a poll to vote for your favorite.

So for goodness' sake do your civic duty and go over there and vote today!

Hint, be sure to read the item descriptions over on Etsy, I think my description is the bomb.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fiber Artist Interview - Involution

I've met some amazing artists on Etsy and what better idea than to share them with the followers of my blog. I'm introducing a regular feature of interviews with some great fiber sartisans from Etsy and beyond.

To begin this feature, I interviewed one of my favorite fiber and jewerly artists on Etsy. In the process of interviewing I found out we're practically neighbors!

Let me introduce Jessica from Involution.

Before you read on check out these amazing earrings.

Where are you from and where are you now?

I grew up on a sleepy, beautiful island off the coast of Maine. Since I am something of a quiet, stay-at-home-and-make-cookies type, I may find myself back there some day. But for now I am in my beloved city of Durham, North Carolina. My boyfriend and I have just finished renovating a historic house there that had been abandoned for decades, and I'm very excited to be there.

How did you get started working with fiber and jewelry?

Like all my best ideas, it sort of swept me away before my logical side had a chance to protest. Although I've always loved the arts, starting a crafting business had never, ever occurred to me. But one day I happened to see a beautiful, hand felted throw, and something in me said, "I'm going to do that now." So I threw myself gleefully into it, and one thing led to another--I couldn't have seen it coming, but here I am making fiber jewelry.

What inspires you? What inspires your work?

Boldness and audacity in every form. I've held a lot of limiting beliefs in my life about what can and can't be done (which is probably why it never occurred to me to do something like this for a living). So when I see people doing outrageous things because they simply refuse to believe it's not a good idea, I get excited. I think every last one of us has unspeakably beautiful and unique things inside us, and if we would only trust ourselves enough to express them we'd all be a lot happier. So that's what I try to do, and when I manage to pull it off, it feels like flying.

What pieces in your shop are you most proud of and why?

Hmm, that's a hard one. I like the All The Tea in China earrings and the Molecular Bond pendant, just because I particularly love the way they turned out. But I love them all...answering this is like picking a favorite child (not that I would know--I have no children and only one dog. He's definitely my favorite).

What handmade items do you admire or want to try making?

Right now I have a fascination with handmade shoes. There's an almost unlimited creative potential there! But such a demanding practical aspect to their construction also, because few other fashion accessories are repeatedly slammed against the pavement. I plan to try making some prototypes this spring, and I'm very excited about it!

Molecular Bond

Be sure to check out more of Jessica's work at

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Friend for the Craft Room

I've made a few of these guys. They make me smile and help me keep track of the ever elusive tape measure while I'm sewing.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

And Now for Something Completely Different

Happy New Year everyone!

I just posted some of my crocheted hats on HooksandEyes Esty shop. I've been sitting on these for awhile now (not literally don't worry) . I finally got off my backside and took some photos this weekend.

These are part of my overall plan for HooksandEyes to include crocheted, sewn and handspun items. To share all the things I love to do the best with all of you.

Here's a peek:
Natasha, Elaina, and Claire

Now, to post some scarves I've been working on....